"Xplo Eristotle" <xpl### [at] infomagicnet> wrote in message
> Looks alright so far.. my main problem is with the sky (perhaps a bit
> too purplish?) and the weird tint of the shadow on the snow, which seems
> to be not only more saturated than the sky, but a different color as
> well! I have a funny suspicion that this is just the effect of radiosity
> and not really your fault, except inasmuch as you created the sky and
> lighting, but it still bugs me. ^^;;
Yes, Sky, Lighting, and Snow. Right now they only exist because "something"
needs to be there. I spent some time working on the snow, but I'm not happy
with it. Part of the problem may have to do with the sky_sphere.
Straight-up, the sky is too blue, which then makes the snow too blue as
well. I had to do some strange things to the finish of the snow, in order
to keep it from being washed-out, and I may have over-compensated.
My main focus is on the model of the school itself, at this point, and I'm
thinking it could still be months before I finally get an actual complete
"scene" that I'm happy with.
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