In the thread "Subsurface Scattering: macro now available (21kb jpeg)"
Gilles Tran wrote this:
> Also: could a trick like this be used to create patina effects?
I don't know that much about how patina should look, but I've got the
impression that it's not dependent on light source location, like
subsurface scattering is? If it's more a matter of curvature of the
surface and nearby surfaces, then this macro might be sufficient:
#macro patina_pattern(Obj,Blur,Samples,Stream)
// by Rune S. Johansen 2003
#local FN =
function {
pigment {
pigment_map {
#local C = 0;
#while (C<Samples)
object{Obj rgb 0, rgb 1}
translate <
#local C = C+1;
function {FN(x,y,z).red}
Here's a simple sample scene which produces the attached image:
#declare Object =
union {
plane {y,0}
box {-1,1 scale <3.2,1.0,0.7> translate y}
box {-1,1 scale <1.0,1.0,3.0> translate y}
box {-1,1 scale <1.0,2.0,1.0> translate 2*y}
box {-1,1 scale <0.5,0.7,3.5> translate 0.7*y}
sphere {4*y, 1}
torus {2.4, 0.5 translate y}
scale 2
object {
pigment {
patina_pattern(Object, 2, 256, seed(0) )
color_map {
[0.1, rgb 1][0.9, rgb 0]
light_source {< 2, 3,-1>*100, color rgb <1.2,1.2,0.9> shadowless}
light_source {<-2, 3,-2>*100, color rgb <0.5,0.5,0.8> shadowless}
camera {location <9,12,-13> look_at 3*y}
Let me know if this is any useful...
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rune|vision: http://runevision.com **updated Sep 28**
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