"Nico" <rou### [at] loriafr> wrote in message
> I will give it a try, but I'm not sure of the final effect once on the
> shelf.
The attached images shows how it looks in your framework.
Let me know if you'd like it changed in some way (thicker or thinner jade?
Shinier or less? etc)
This is the entire include file I used to fit in your "balls.pov" framework.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#declare cells_pigment = pigment {
crackle color_map {[0.0 color rgb 1] [0.3 color rgb 0] [1.0 color rgb 0]}
#declare fun_pig = function { pigment {cells_pigment} }
#declare fun_val = function { fun_pig(x,y,z).red }
isosurface {
function { .95-fun_val(x,y,z)}
contained_by { sphere { 0, 1 } }
accuracy 0.1
max_gradient 7
texture {Jade finish {diffuse 1 specular .7 ambient .15} }
ball_at (2,1)
PS: I think this is the coolest idea for a collaborative project. The
of a unit sphere make for a very nice picture.
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