I'd be happy to submit this one, if you'd like to add a carved jade ball to
your collection.
It's just a 12-line isosurface based on the 'crackle' pattern.
#declare cells_pigment = pigment {
crackle color_map {[0.0 color rgb 1] [0.3 color rgb 0] [1.0 color rgb 0]}
#declare fun_pig = function { pigment {cells_pigment} }
#declare fun_val = function { fun_pig(x,y,z).red }
isosurface {
function { .95-fun_val(x,y,z)}
contained_by { sphere { 0, 3 } }
accuracy 0.1
max_gradient 7
texture {Jade finish {diffuse 1 specular .7 ambient .15} }
The intricate carved pattern comes from having a "too low" accuracy setting.
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