I ran some code which calculated some mathematically correct spirals and set
a scoring system based on the following criteria:
There are a reasonable number of iterations
The rotation of the outer square is close to 90 degrees
The size of the outer square is close to 5x5
Any two of these conditions can be met easily, but it looks like this is
about as close as you can get to satisfying all three while maintaining
mathematically correct placement.
In this image there are 47 squares, the final square is rotated by 89.994
degrees and the length of its side is 4.564
I've posted a PNG image because any JPG that didn't have absolutely awful
compression artefacts was considerably larger than this PNG.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#version 3.5;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2.2
max_trace_level 25
light_source {< 500, 500, -500> White * 1.0}
background {White}
camera {orthographic
location <0,0,-7>
look_at <0,0,3>
#declare WallTex = texture {pigment {Red} finish {ambient 0.5}}
#declare X = 1;
#declare Z = 0;
#declare N = 0;
#declare WallFan =
union {
#while (Z <= 90)
difference {
box {<-X,-X,-0.01>,<X,X,0.01> texture {WallTex}}
box {<-X+0.05,-X+0.05,-0.02>,<X-0.05,X-0.05,0.02> texture
rotate <0,0,Z>
// Length of new hypotenuse
#declare H = X * 1.032 + 0.003;
// solve simulataneous equations A+B=H, A^2 + B^2 = X^2
#declare A = (2*H + sqrt(4*H*H - 8*(H*H - X*X)))/4;
// use trig to find the angle
#declare Z = Z + degrees(acos(A/X));
#declare X = H;
object {WallFan}
// Size reference box behind wall fan
box {<-5,-5,-0.005>,<5,5,0.005> pigment {Blue}}
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