// > Yea, I got bored of typing in object{MyGrass a whole lot so I just
// > rendered it from where I was at :)
// You should learn how to do loops using the #while directive:
// (I'm assuming your ground is the xz-plane)
// Sputnik
#local MyGrass =
cone { -0.1*y, 0.1, y, 0
scale <1, 1, 0.2>
rotate 20*z
pigment { color rgb <.2, .6, .2> }
finish { ambient .3 diffuse .7 }
#local XMin = -5;
#local XMax = 5;
#local XStep = 0.4;
#local ZMin = -5;
#local ZMax = 15;
#local ZStep = 0.4;
#local Rand = seed(12345);
#local XCoord = XMin;
#while (XCoord<=XMax)
#local ZCoord = ZMin;
#while (ZCoord<=ZMax)
object { MyGrass
rotate <20+rand(Rand)*10, rand(Rand)*30, 0> // some random rotation
translate <XCoord, 0, ZCoord> // transfer to destination
#local ZCoord = ZCoord+ZStep;
#end//while ZCoord
#local XCoord = XCoord+XStep;
#end//while XCoord
light_source { <-2, 1, -1>*100, color rgb 1 }
camera { location -25*z look_at 0 angle 25 rotate <20, -15, 0> }
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