"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote in message
> Wow! I love the unusual designs. Particularly the picture where the white
> are reflected in one of the pawns.
> The only things I'd criticise would be the lighting and camera in the
> The lighting seems very dry and lifeless, particularly the shadows. I'd
> using slightly blue ambient light or radiosity to add more colour to the
> shadows, and a slightly orange light to balance against that.
> maybe nearby lights with some walls to reflect them to get a cosy indoors
> As for the camera, I suggest you try to frame your images in a more
> way, e.g. offset the camera (the fourth image does that nicely), the
symmetry in
> your images is pretty but it doesn't need to be so obvious. Also there's
> much perspective on the first image (scab17.jpg) which is disorienting,
> paricularly when combined with the curved reflection. If you lay out your
> with just a few points of interest and use the rest of the objects as
> you might get better results.
> The modelling and textures are very good. Perhaps a subtle normal map to
> small bumps and imperfections might improve them, but otherwise I can't
see much
> to improve there. Very impressive for a newbie!
Thanks a lot!, all these ideas are incredibly useful to me. Since I never
tried to use most of the features you suggested, this is a very good way to
organize my learning.
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