Woah that looks really cool!
What material have you applied to them? it looks sort of like blurred
reflections but I assume it's just a blurry HDR image or something.
Can you animate it? :)
"Alex Kluchikov" <klk### [at] ukrnet> wrote in message
> CSG objects. Made of big sphere in center, small spheres around and
differences (cylinder - torus) to smoothly connect them. Yes, it looks like
something similar to splorks
> (http://news.povray.org/povray.binaries.images/30636/), but no blobs were
used. (It seems to me, splorks are made of blobs, am I right?) As usually, if
anybody interested in source, I'll
> post it in p.b.s-f.
> Sincerely Yours, Alex Kluchikov.
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