No graph paper, just a few very vague sketches to get the overall feel, and
then pure povray. The problem with the modelling on this is it used such
intensive CSG that I couldn't have planned it out much on graph paper,
because so many of the shapes depend upon several objects intersecting in
just the right way. So I used good old-fashioned trial and error.
The wheels are just CSG, I take a cylinder, carve out the side with a torus
to get the cross section shape I want. Then the holes between the spokes are
cut out using three painstakingly arranged squashed cylinders (that's 3 for
each hole), they overlap so you just get a smooth hole shape. I considered
using isosurfaces but they'd render too slow for my animation.
"None" <Non### [at] onca> wrote in message
news:Xns### [at] 204213191226...
> "Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote in news:3f299b37@news.povray.org:
> > [...]
> > round. The bikes built entirely from CSG of simple pov objects (lots
> > [...]
> Very nice indeed. For a model made of primitives CSG it's amazing. You
> didn't do this with graph paper, eh? What are the wheels made with, looks
> like an elaborate CSG or even ISO?
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