You seem to have a bug in the OpenGL application. If you render the code
below, you will see that the "trace" function works fine, and your data are
fine. They probably get messed up outside POV-Ray.
Perhaps a bad aspect ratio?
camera { orthographic
right (image_width/image_height)*x
location -4*y look_at 0 angle 48
#declare MyObject= sphere { 0,1 };
#local Z=-1;
#while (Z<1)
#local X=-1;
#while (X<1)
#declare StartRay = <X,2,Z>;
#declare SurfaceTouch = StartRay;
#while(StartRay.y > -1)
#declare SurfaceTouch = trace(MyObject, StartRay, <X, -2, Z>);
#if(SurfaceTouch.x != 0 | SurfaceTouch.y != 0 | SurfaceTouch.z != 0)
sphere { 0,.0125 translate SurfaceTouch pigment { rgb 1 } finish {
ambient 1 } }
#declare SurfaceTouch = <0,-2,0>;
#declare StartRay = SurfaceTouch;
#local X=X+.025;
#local Z=Z+.025;
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