"Pirate Lord" <pir### [at] btinternetNOSPAMcom> wrote in
message news:3eb1772d$1@news.povray.org...
> As long as the left + right match up.
> This is what I am basically doing.
Here's one quick-fix (fairly easy to turn into a more flexible macro).
box {<-1.9,-1.45,0>,<1.9,1.45,-0.1> translate <1.901,1.451,0> scale 0.5
texture {MyTex}}
box {<-1.9,-1.45,0>,<1.9,1.45,-0.1> translate <1.901,1.451,0> scale 0.5
texture {MyTex} scale x*-1}
box {<-1.9,-1.45,0>,<1.9,1.45,-0.1> translate <1.901,1.451,0> scale 0.5
texture {MyTex} scale y*-1}
box {<-1.9,-1.45,0>,<1.9,1.45,-0.1> translate <1.901,1.451,0> scale 0.5
texture {MyTex} scale <-1,-1,0>}
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