POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Old Technology...Bluebird V : Re: Old Technology...Bluebird V Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:03:44 EST (-0500)
  Re: Old Technology...Bluebird V  
From: gonzo
Date: 22 Apr 2003 23:16:07
Message: <3ea60577@news.povray.org>
Renderdog <slo### [at] hiwaaynet> wrote in message
> Some great work here, especially the background. The pier, waves and sand
> are all perfect, and anyone who's been to Daytona would recognize the tire
> tracks in the sand as very accurate, a nice touch.
> The aged photo look is very well done, and important to stress the old
> technology aspect of the image, as many people wouldn't recognize just
> how old the Bluebird is.

I really liked the old time look to this, not just in the coloring, but to
me it had that "feel" of old photos. The composition & background reminded
me of something out of an old magazine.

I thought the sky and water needed to blend more at the horizon, or maybe a
slight focal blur.  I think ocean horizons are difficult to do correctly
anyway, because in real life in bright sunlight the horizon is either
brighter than either the water or sky due to reflection, or the water and
sky just run together and the horizon isn't discernable.

A good job though, and right on topic. I was watching the Brazilian Grand
Prix on tv, and everytime they would show a lap speed, I'd think of this


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