POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : image maps with vectorial graphics, not bitmaps? : Re: image maps with vectorial graphics, not bitmaps? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:17:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: image maps with vectorial graphics, not bitmaps?  
From: Miguel Garcia
Date: 22 Apr 2003 09:33:24
Message: <3ea544a4$1@news.povray.org>
> > I would like to use an image as texture for an object, but not a typical
> > BMP. Is it possible to use something vectorial, like postcript, or EPS?
> You can convert vector graphic to syntax understable in POV (polygon,
> prism, heighfield) and then use pattern based on this object.

Ok, but using a (planar) object as pattern for another object is exactly
what I don't know how to do. I wanted to generate a PS just to avoid this
problem! How can it be done??


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