POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Binary file I/O? : Re: Binary file I/O? Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:04:35 EST (-0500)
  Re: Binary file I/O?  
From: nospam
Date: 17 Apr 2003 23:17:33
Message: <3e9f45a9.10506312@localhost>
On Sun, 13 Apr 2003 09:46:43 +0100, "Andrew Coppin"
<orp### [at] btinternetcom> wrote:

>Just a quick one... Would it be possible to get POV-Ray to read/write binary
>files? (As opposed to plain text?)
>I think I remember seeing  character <==> ASCII code conversion functions
>somewhere in the docs... POV-Ray doesn't do anything weird to the ASCII
>codes you ask it to write does it? (Like LF -> CR/LF conversions and stuff.)

Have povray write the bianry data as a uuencoded txt file.  Then
run through a separate uudecoder after thr render.

>Why am I asking? Well, not content with making a microprocessor emulator
>with the SDL, I'm now thinking about making a sound synthesiser, so I want
>to be able to write .WAV files (which are of course binary!) I'm planning to
>make an animation, and I want POV-Ray to synthesise the soundtrack...

I want to do this as well.  It's fun to use POV-Ray for completely
non-graphical tasks.  I even wrote a program to auto-generate
game levels in POV-RAy.  :)

It's fun to write .bat files from POV-Ray.  :) :) :)

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