POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Old Technology...Bathroom 1960 - Is electric shaving the future? : Re: Old Technology...Bathroom 1960 - Is electric shaving the future? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 15:45:18 EST (-0500)
  Re: Old Technology...Bathroom 1960 - Is electric shaving the future?  
From: Slashdolt
Date: 1 Apr 2003 14:46:00
Message: <3e89ec78$1@news.povray.org>
> Superior use of tools. Photorealism like this hasn't been
> possible until recently, and I'm facinated by the "eye" of
> artists who can pick up and create what it takes to make
> images look real.

Frankly, this may be one of the most photorealistic POV-Ray creations that
I've ever seen for such a relatively complex scene.  I really have a hard
time finding anything about it that does not seem "real" to me.  Any flaws
would seem to be very minor.  The cord that stretches across the sink was
not simply straight, though perhaps it's a bit too conforming?  Even so, it
really doesn't detract from the realism aspect of this image.

The lighting rocks!  I need to learn more about how to do such good


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