POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Lamps in a dark environment : Re: Lamps in a dark environment Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:00:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Lamps in a dark environment  
From: Justus von Sonntag
Date: 11 Mar 2003 16:22:21
Message: <3e6e538d@news.povray.org>
Thanks, Bob,

that was just I was looking for. At least by combining both (low filter (say
0.1) and finish {phong etc.} I get a nice bright lamp.

Someday I might even understand what phong actually means - but now I have
to leave - some money got to be earned (how else does one get faster FPUs?)

cheers, Justus

"hughes, b." <omn### [at] charternet> wrote in
> > So here is my question: How do I make the lamp appear bright ? Any
> > are highly welcomed
> What you probably hadn't tried is to use less filtering on the colors of
> light object, still using the high ambient too. It's necessary to make the
> object visible to get the ambience to show or else it just gets darker
> more invisible. The light will still shine through but you might need to
> increase it's brightness to counteract the less transparent surface. If
> use it as a looks_like in the light_source it will be not cast a shadow,
> that might be unwanted; unless you are using only a pigmented object
> an opaque housing.
> You can also add a finish {phong 1 phong_size 0 metallic} so that there is
> colored hightlighting on its surface, in which case the filter value could
> remain higher (more transparent, filter 1.0 is okay then) and not have to
> increase the lights color value. This is actually probably the best
> solution.

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