"Bill Hails" <bil### [at] europeyahoo-inccom> wrote in message
> Hi. I'm sorry if this is a FAQ, but I can't find anything
> in the docs.
> If I use a height field for a landscape, is there
> any way I can randomly place objects on the surface,
> or add grass that follows the height field?
You could look up keyword 'trace' in the Scene Help if you have POV 3.5, and
check out the includes\rand.inc too.
If you have version 3.1 of POV-Ray and MegaPOV 0.7 there is a hf_height_at
feature made specifically for returning points on the surface of a height
field. There are four trace examples in the folder scenes\language so you
might be able to learn something from those. An alternative would be to
search the newsgroups; easy to do from the web http://news.povray.org/
(you'll need to click through to set up a cookie if your first time in).
There have been plenty of these HF object placement scenes done before.
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