POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Is there a "string length" function? : Re: Is there a "string length" function? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 17:35:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: Is there a "string length" function?  
From: Tom Melly
Date: 21 Feb 2003 04:15:43
Message: <3e55ee3f$1@news.povray.org>
"George Pantazopoulos" <the### [at] attbicom*KILLSPAM*> wrote in message
> In defense of the newbs, that manual is pretty intimidating and hard to use
> for someone new to the program. I know my brain used to turn to jello just
> looking at it.. even if it seems thorough and straightforward now :)

One oddity in this case is that strlen (and some other string-related functions)
do not appear under the string function section, but instead are under the
float-function section. Okay, it returns a float, but IMHO such functions could
be listed in both sections.

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