I've written that system already with POV-SDL some
time ago, but never managed to clean the code and
make it available to public. The nice thing about it
is its in-between-steps. I've set up some animations
on my homepage, look under Animations.
But how did you process the points for the connections
with cylinders?
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
> A few days ago (feb 9, i think) there was a thread about placing point
> evenly on a sphere.
> Starting from the URL supplyed in that threat, and with a little C++
> hacking, i've made a simple tool that generate a geode with an arbitrary
> number of nodes.
> The nodes are placed using an electrostatic-repulsion algorithm; here
> are an example with 120 points.
> If someone is interested, I'll post the C++ source code and a win32
> executable on an appropriate group (maybe povray.binaries.utility ?).
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