I know, I know, nothing much has changed, but I've
let POV-Ray render a somewhat "complete draft"
to check lighting and scene composition in terms
of bright spots calling for attention.
I've decided to go back to the beginning and have
the Worldbowl be the only bright lightsource, but I've
thought about adding some nice candles (not those tall
ones, but those tiny cylinder ones, which are cupped in
those little aluminium shells, they're called "Teelichter"
here in Germany, but "tea-lights" isn't the correct
translation, me thinks).
In case some of you think that the image is too dark,
well, radiosity will probably be used for correct ambient
lighting, and if those candles make it into the final image,
they'll shed even more light into the room.
I've decided now to move on and remodel the table and
its textures, it takes up a lot of space in the image but doesn't
look too nice.
I'd like if some of you could give me comments on the outside
clouds. The room itself (due to the angle) is almost completely
unlit by the moon (at least whats visible in the room), so I can
raise the lightsources rgb and lower it as I like. I'm wondering
if the clouds are too bright now, or if I should attenuate them
even more.
Also, the former image-map for the moon was changed, with
less brightness and more contrast. Doesn't look so nice IMHO,
so I'll remake that one and perhaps just try one with more
Well, sorry for not using Anti-Aliasing or the intended area-lights,
but the image took forever even without these two, so I guess
that'll be saved for the final image.
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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