POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough : Re: radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough Server Time
4 Nov 2024 18:18:25 EST (-0500)
  Re: radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough  
From: Gilles Tran
Date: 8 Jan 2003 10:09:07
Message: <3e1c3f13$1@news.povray.org>

> I have come up with a new algorithm that creates exactly the same set with
> extremely high speed. First have to implement it. but probably I can get
> to create a set of 65535 samples in an acceptible time :-)

Just a general comment about this "search for more radiosity" samples, which
I sincerely hope will be fruitful and lead to better, faster radiosity.
In my experience, "more samples" doesn't mean "better radiosity". In fact,
this is true between, say, 0 and 500, but after that, having more samples
just doesn't address the artefact issues : radiosity-created splotches just
tend to get smoother and more organised (with some luck, they may look like
natural dirt...) but they're still there and I'm not sure that raising the
count will make them disappear, i.e. more samples will lead asymptotically
to "nice", regular artefacts instead of messy ones. There are even some
cases where having less samples results in locally better results, something
puzzling enough to suggest that some sort of adaptive sampling could be used
(I'm clueless about the whole thing, don't ask for details!).
Anyone has investigated this problem or will raising the count to 65000
actually solve it ?



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