POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough : Re: radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough Server Time
4 Nov 2024 18:19:56 EST (-0500)
  Re: radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough  
From: Troy S  Ristow
Date: 8 Jan 2003 02:00:19
Message: <3e1bcc83@news.povray.org>
"Apache" <apa### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> Thanks! Stupid typos ....  :-)  Haven't run the code yet, because I'm
> waiting for a set of 12000 samples to finish.

Keep in mind that the reason (in my belief) that the sample set is difficult
to create, is because it must not only be valid for 12000 samples, but also
the first 9000 of that set and the first 6000 and... etc.  (sorry for the

I have worked with creating dither patterns that are built up in this way.
When I get some time I will try to articulate the algorithms I used about 8
years ago to generate a cascading set of blue noise at various intensity
levels.  In the mean time, carry on with the tests, I have a few (always
have something) running in the background.

--- Troy

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