> It is fairly obvious that using bytes to store the directions is just a
> hack to save memory. Apart from the accuracy problem it also costs some
> computation time to unpack the directions for every radiosity sample
> taken.
No need to save memory with this, because we're having more and more RAM
every year :-) And IIRC computers nowadays work as fast with integers
(16bits) as with bytes (8bits).
> Without any information on how the samples were generated this suffers
> from the same problem as the original set of sample directions.
It's a bit like this:
save first sample, offset = 0 (this one is on the exact center of the disk)
samplescalculated = 1
minimumtrials = 1000
repeat until (samplescalculated equals 8000) {
trialcounter = 0
besttrialdistance = 10 (doesn't really matter, must be > 2)
repeat until (trialcounter equals samplecount \
and trialcounter is greater or equals minimumtrials) {
create random sample on disk
if (distance from random sample to nearest sample saved <
besttrialdistance) {
besttrialdistance = distance random sample to nearest sample
save random sample, offset = samplescalculated
trialcounter = 0
samplescalculated ++
save all samples saved to disk
Anyhow. The first test with this test set really sucks :-( Extreme
Here's the source code of the monster:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define SAMPLESAMOUNT (12000)
#define MINRETRIES (1000)
#define PI (3.141592653589793238)
#define XMEAN (127.5)
#define YMEAN (127.5)
#define XSCALE (127.5)
#define YSCALE (127.5)
#define ZSCALE (127.5)
#define RANDOMVALUE ((double)rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX))
int main(void) {
FILE* filehandle1;
double* x = (double*) malloc(SAMPLESAMOUNT *
double* y = (double*) malloc(SAMPLESAMOUNT *
int i = 0;
/******* CREATE DISTRIBUTION *******/
x[0] = 0.0;
y[0] = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < SAMPLESAMOUNT; i++) {
int i2;
double xnew;
double ynew;
double olddist = 0.0;
int retry = 0;
printf("\rSETUP DISTRIBUTION : %d of %d", i, SAMPLESAMOUNT);
for (retry = 0; (retry < i) || (retry < MINRETRIES); retry++) {
int j = 0;
double mindist = 1001.0;
double phi = 2*PI*RANDOMVALUE;
double sqrtr = sqrt(RANDOMVALUE);
xnew = cos(phi)*sqrtr;
ynew = sin(phi)*sqrtr;
/** determine distance of new sample to nearest existing sample **/
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
double dx = xnew - x[j];
double dy = ynew - y[j];
double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (d2 < mindist) {
mindist = d2;
/** if new sample is farther away than the previous one, save it **/
if (mindist > olddist) {
x[i] = xnew;
y[i] = ynew;
olddist = mindist;
retry = 0;
printf("\rsetup distribution : done \r\n");
/******* WRITE SAMPLES TO DISK *******/
printf("SAVE SAMPLES TO DISK...");
filehandle1 = fopen("newraddata.inc", "w");
fprintf(filehandle1, "#declare Thing1 = union {\r\n");
for (i = 0; i < SAMPLESAMOUNT; i++) {
double z = sqrt(1-x[i]*x[i]-y[i]*y[i]);
fprintf(filehandle1, " sphere {<%d, %d, %d>, 1.0} //count %d\r\n",
(int)(.5+XMEAN+XSCALE*x[i]), (int)(.5+YMEAN+YSCALE*y[i]),
(int)(.5+ZSCALE*z), i+1);
fprintf(filehandle1, "}\r\n");
printf("\rsave samples to disk : done \r\n\007");
return (0);
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