POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough : radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough Server Time
4 Nov 2024 16:10:44 EST (-0500)
  radiosity samples: 255x255x255 probably isn't enough  
From: Apache
Date: 7 Jan 2003 11:05:20
Message: <3e1afac0@news.povray.org>
I've calculated 8000 radiosity samples (see p.b.i and p.b.s-f). As you can
see in the image the 255x255x255 resolution isn't fine enough for lots of
radiosity samples: the image already shows that the distribution has
rectangular artifacts due to rounding errors. Anyhow I'm posting an image
and a zipped set of files in p.b.s-f that you can use to insert the samples
into the POV-Ray source-code. I can't do that myself now, because I'll have
to install another compiler for that :-(

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