"LibraryMan" <mrm### [at] attnet> wrote in message
> I'm trying to do a prism with a dodecagon (? -- anyway, polygon with 12
> equal sides ) face and instead of trying to figure out the exact vectors
> of the points, I wanted to do something like specifying every 4th
> vector, then rotating the in-betweens around the y-axis, like this:
> #declare v_01 = <0.5, 0> ;
> #declare v_02 = <0.5, 0> rotate y*30 ;
A prism for a dodecahedron? Not sure you could ever get that shape from a
single prism object. Anyway, your syntax trouble is with the rotates. Can't
declare those in along with a vector.
There's a predefined Dodecahedron in Shapes2.inc which is made of rotated
intersecting planes.
This brings up something I almost forgot about, Dave Dunn had noticed the
Shapes2.inc doesn't call for Shapes_old.inc so that a Cone_Y can be used in
the HalfCone_Y object. And the Shapes2.inc file is not included into
Shapes.inc although Shapes_old.inc is. To correct matters you need to add it
to Shapes.inc like this:
#include "shapes_old.inc" // this is already there
#include "shapes2.inc" // this line needed after the old shapes file
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