POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Help with Isosurface function... : Help with Isosurface function... Server Time
4 Nov 2024 21:25:52 EST (-0500)
  Help with Isosurface function...  
From: Mark Hanford
Date: 6 Nov 2002 10:14:08
Message: <3dc931c0@news.povray.org>
I've been trying to make scene involving plowed fields, and am
currently using a height-field made from a gradient-x pattern with a
bit of tiny bozo noise over the top, all of which is then scaled
<1500,25,1000>.  This results in a nice rough brown ridged surface a
bit like corrugated tin roofing /\/\/\/\/\/\.

What I did next was ditch the hf, as I need a bit of hillysillyness,
and use a squashed cylinder{-5000*x, 5000*x, 500} with the
afforementioned gradient and bozo patterns to achieve a similar result
as standing on a very small stripey cylindrical world, but without the
pretty ploughed waves.

What I'd really really like though, is a curved wavey surface, which
my ailing mind is incapable of getting the function for.
I assume it's some combination of
function { sqrt(pow(x,2)- + pow(z,2)) - 1 }  (but rotated to
function { f_noise3d(?,?,?)}
function { f_ridge?(?????)}

I've tried combinations of these, but due to too much guesswork and
not enough understanding (yet) of ISO's, I've been having trouble :(

I might post an image in p.b.i if this makes no sense to anyone...

many thanks,

Mark Hanford

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