Tom Melly <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> Concept - 1-9 means off-topic of varying degrees, and such a score will
> the images other scores (1 means that I reduce the other scores to 10% of
what I
> would otherwise have given, 2 to 20% etc.). 10 means on-topic, but not
> saying anything interesting about the topic, 20 would mean a highly
> interpretation. Scores of 10 or higher mean no adjustment to the scores in
> other catagories.
I have a hard time calling something off topic if it was made specifically
for the competition. If someone sits down to make a landscape and ends up
with a bunch of brown squares on a blue background, then I'll accept it as
on topic. Of course, when someone sends in a picture of an ogre or a dragon
mask, then they should certainly get a one.
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