POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Voting... : Re: Voting... Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:55:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: Voting...  
From: Shay
Date: 4 Nov 2002 14:23:49
Message: <3dc6c945@news.povray.org>
St. <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:3dc6c34c@news.povray.org...

> there are some that will be hard to judge.

Yes, I'm not sure yet how to score something like mrzero. The image is nice
looking, but artistic? Plus, there is no description of how the image was
created, or even which software was used. Is it common practice to give
these images a 0 technical score?

Creativity and interpretation are also difficult for a round like this. With
topics like Worlds Within Worlds or Frozen Moments, a clever or unique
interpretation can be very important. With Spectacular Landscapes, however,
the subject matter is explicitly stated. I know on what basis I am going to
determine this score, but I think that this might be different for every


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