POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Shell-out to OS? : Shell-out to OS? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:45:03 EST (-0500)
  Shell-out to OS?  
From: How Camp
Date: 15 Oct 2002 15:01:53
Message: <3dac6621$1@news.povray.org>
This should be simple...

I have an INI file I'm using for my scene, and I've added the following two


However, while the other settings in the INI file are read, nothing seems to
happen with these two lines.  My naive understanding is that POV-Ray should
attempt to shell to the OS with the command listed in Pre-Scene_Command, and
when the program is finished, continue.

However, I can run the above two lines, exactly as they appear, and I do not
seem to generate an error message (as I would expect, since I have no
program named 'foobar').  It also won't start an existing executable if I
supply the proper name, instead.

So my question is two-fold:

1) What silly mistake is preventing me from understanding the proper use of
these keywords.
2) What is the syntax to include in the INI file that allows an executable
to run prior to parsing my scene?

- How

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