The important part about the texture is to
have same pigment and finish, but varying
normals. This is most easily done by translating
the normal for every sample using:
#declare R=seed(1);
#declare Random_Vector=<rand(R),rand(R),rand(R)>*Magnifier;
Specify an amount of samples:
#declare Blur_Samples=20;
And use the following code:
average texture_map{
#declare Sample_Counter=0;
#while (Sample_Counter<Blur_Samples)
[ 1 pigment{Some_Pigment}
normal{bozo .2 scale .3 translate Random_Vector}
#declare Sample_Counter=Sample_Counter+1;
This should work fine. What it does it average the
textures, and since pigment and finish are always the same,
those aren't changed, but for every sample POV-Ray
calculates a new reflection based on the normal-map,
since that one changes for every sample, you get
a lot of different reflections, which are averaged.
Note that averaging just normals won't work, as POV-Ray
will then average the normal_map, and won't calculate
reflections for those.
Ask if you have questions...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
"jfmiller" <jfm### [at] hotmailcom> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi all,
> I have read of about using texture_map with slightly different
> normals to make a reflection appear blury. I've tried to replicate this
> I can't seem to get it to work. Can someone post some source code or a
> tutorial on how this is done?
> Thanks
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