POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Error in golds.inc of version 3.5 : Re: Error in golds.inc of version 3.5 Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:16:36 EST (-0500)
  Re: Error in golds.inc of version 3.5  
From: Daohang Sha
Date: 15 Aug 2002 14:07:16
Message: <3d5bedd4$1@news.povray.org>
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> "Daohang Sha" <dhs### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> news:3d5bd4e7@news.povray.org...
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I am using version 3.5. There is always an error with golds.inc when I
> > included it in my code. The error is
> >
> > #declare CVect1 = GoldBase - <----ERROR
> > Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive', - found instead
> >
> Hmm, no problem here - how are you using it? It should be something like
> #include "golds.inc"
> sphere{0,1 texture{T_Gold_1A}}

I dowload "Chairs" from
http://www.povworld.org/objects/cat/Furniture/Chairs/. I just run test.pov.
The error occured. I don't know why.

The following is test.pov

#include "colors.inc"
#include "chairs.inc"

#version 1.0

object{BUEROHOCKER translate<-400,0,0>}
object{BUEROSTUHL  translate< 400,0,0>}

camera {
  location <3000,1600,0>
  look_at <0,400,0>
  rotate <0,225,0>
  angle 30
plane{<0,1,0>,0 texture{color Gray50}}
light_source { <-3500,2000,500> color White}
light_source { <-2500,2500,500> color White}
light_source { < 1000,2000,500> color White}

// Chairs.inc

// Two different types of office chairs.
// Objects provided by this file are:
// moebelrolle
// rollenkreuz
// Textures provided by this file are:
// black_plastic
// turquois_plastic
// Scale: 1 millimeter per POV unit.
// *               Man### [at] munichnetsurfde  (1998)
// *                     Feel free to use this file.
#declare moebel = version;

#version 1.0
#include "metals.inc"


// Bolzen an (0,60,0), beliebig rotierbar um z-Achse.
#declare black_plastic =
texture {
  pigment { color red 0.3 green 0.3 blue 0.3}
  normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.3 }
  finish { phong 1 }
#declare turquois_plastic =
texture {
  pigment { color red 0.3 green 0.7 blue 0.7}
  normal { bumps 0.2 scale 0.15 }
  finish { phong 1 }
#declare moebelrolle =
union {
  cylinder {<25,25, 25>,<25,25, 5>, 25}
  cylinder {<25,25,-25>,<25,25,-5>, 25}
  cylinder {<25,25,-20>,<25,25,20>,  5}
  difference {
    cylinder {<25,25,25>,<25,25,-25>,30}
    cylinder {<25,25,26>,<25,25,-26>,27}
    plane {<0,1,0> 25 }
  difference {
    cylinder {<0,25,0>,<0,55,0>,25}
    cylinder {<25,25,26>,<25,25,-26>,27}
    plane {<0,1,0> 25 }
  cylinder {<0,55,0>,<0,60,0>,25}
#declare rollenkreuz =
union {
  difference {
    union {
      sphere { <300,70,0>,30 }
      cylinder { <0,70,0>,<300,70,0>,30 }
    plane {<0,1,0>, 60}
  object {moebelrolle rotate <0,60,0> translate <300,0,0>}
#declare BUEROHOCKER =
union {
  object { rollenkreuz texture {black_plastic}}
  object { rollenkreuz rotate <0, 72,0> texture {black_plastic}}
  object { rollenkreuz rotate <0,144,0> texture {black_plastic}}
  object { rollenkreuz rotate <0,216,0> texture {black_plastic}}
  object { rollenkreuz rotate <0,288,0> texture {black_plastic}}
  cone { <0,70,0>,60,<0,110,0>,50 texture {black_plastic}}
  cone { <0,70,0>,45,<0,240,0>,35 texture {black_plastic}}
  cylinder { <0,240,0>,<0,400,0>,20 texture {T_Chrome_5A}}
  // Sitzfl"che:
  cone { <0,400,0>,40,<0,450,0>,230 texture {black_plastic}}
  torus{ 200,30 translate <0,450,0> texture {black_plastic}}
  torus{ 200,28 translate <0,470,0> texture {turquois_plastic}}
  cylinder {<0,470,0>,<0,498,0>,200 texture {turquois_plastic}}
#declare BUEROSTUHL =
union {
  object { BUEROHOCKER }

  cone { <280,700,0>,40,<260,700,0>,150 texture {black_plastic}}
  torus{ 150,30 rotate <0,0,90> translate <230,700,0> texture
  torus{ 150,28 rotate <0,0,90> translate <210,700,0> texture
  cylinder {<210,700,0>,<182,700,0>,150 texture {turquois_plastic}}
    torus{ 50,8 rotate <0,0,90> translate <285,700,0> }
    plane{ <0,1,0> 700 }
    texture {T_Chrome_5A}
  cylinder{ <285,700, 50>,<285,480, 50>,8 texture {T_Chrome_5A}}
  cylinder{ <285,700,-50>,<285,480,-50>,8 texture {T_Chrome_5A}}
    torus{ 50,8 rotate <90,0,0> translate <235,480,50> }
    plane{ <0,-1,0>,-480 }
    plane{ <1,0,0>,235 }
    texture {T_Chrome_5A}
    torus{ 50,8 rotate <90,0,0> translate <235,480,-50> }
    plane{ <0,-1,0>,-480 }
    plane{ <1,0,0>,235 }
    texture {T_Chrome_5A}
  cylinder{ <235,430, 50>,<0,430, 50>,8 texture {T_Chrome_5A}}
  cylinder{ <235,430,-50>,<0,430,-50>,8 texture {T_Chrome_5A}}
//*** EOF *** EOF *** EOF *** EOF *** EOF *** EOF *** EOF *** EOF *** EOF **

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