This is why I ask, while looking for a tree macro I came upon this page:
which has a picture with a thousand trees and says that it only takes up the
same amount of memory as one tree. Is this because they're made up of
triangles and not other objects?
> On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 13:10:08 -0500, "Chris Becker" <cmb### [at] ritedu>
> > In a scene I have a rather complex object (aka tree) that I want to
> > several times. The tree consists of about 40 branches all of which are
> > same object. Now, does POV-Ray optimize in that if I use the same object
> > (like with #declare blah = object{ or union{) it will only create one of
> > those in memory and just transform and texture it?
> You can simple check this comparing memory usage reported in output after
> rendering of one instance and two insttances of your object. But short
> is: in general it is omptimized only for meshes.
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