I have a simple spline set up which I was hoping to use for camera work...
Now the stuff in the while loop works, but the Camera_Location declaration
doesn't (this is used later to set the camera's location)
Upon parsing this, I get the error:
File: D:\Mark\Pov-Ray\projects\bug\bug.pov Line: 270
#declare Camera_Location1 = Camera_Path <----ERROR
Parse Error: Cannot copy identifier
#local Cam_Start = <-60, 70, -70>;
#local Cam_CockpitWindow = <-43.5, 34.5, -6.5>;
#declare Camera_Path=
-1, Cam_Start+(100*x)
0, Cam_Start
1, Cam_CockpitWindow
2, Cam_CockpitWindow+(100*x)
#local i=0; #while (i<1)
sphere{Camera_Path(i), 0.2 pigment{color rgbt <1,1,0,0.8>}}
#local i=i+0.03; #end
#declare Camera_Location = Camera_Path(0); //Camera_Path(clock);
I assume it's something daft, but I haven't spotted it :(
Mark Hanford
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