"Peter Popov" <pet### [at] vipbg> wrote in message
> On Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:19:30 -0500, "Parasonic"
> <par### [at] parasonicpar> wrote:
> >I'm making a wall of boxes (yes, boxes). I have made a set that I could
> >(like bricks). What do I need to do to repeat this group of objects
> >times?
> Use a #while loop. For example, here's your box 5 times along the x
> axis.
> #declare Brick = box { -1, 1 }
> #declare i=0;
> #while (i<5)
> object { Box translate 2.1*i*x }
> #declare i=i+1;
> #end
> If you want to repeat along two axes, for example along a plane, use
> nested loops.
I'll expand on that point with:
#declare Brick = box { -1, 1 pigment {rgb 1}}
#declare i=0;
#while (i<9)
#declare j=0;
#while (j<6)
#if (mod(j,2)=0) #declare k=1; #else #declare k=0; #end
object { Brick translate <2.1*i+k, 2.1*j,0> }
#declare j=j+1;
#declare i=i+1;
This is the nesting, j gets reset to 0 every time i is reiterated until i is
finished looping. So in this way you also get a height instead of just a
From what it seems you're doing I guess the intended wall is to be staggered
for each successive box lined along top of the last line so you also need to
shift every other line half a box width. That's the mod(j,2) part; it will
either divide into even numbers leaving a 0 result or odd numbers leaving 1
remainder, thus tested against for whether or not to add a half box width.
> >Also, how does the sky sphere work? Someone told me how to get a
> >sky sphere:
> >Why is the scale 2? Why is the sphere *translated* on y (not rotated,
> Look carefully at the code you posted. You're scaling and translating
> the pigment, not the sky sphere itself, and it's perfectly legal to do
> so.
Again, I'll expand on what Peter has said. The usual blend map type of the
gradient pattern causes a doubling of that pattern over the diameter of a
unit sphere centered at the y*0 plane, sky_sphere is essentially a infinite
sphere which is based on the sphere primitive as far as patterns are
So, to get only the two colors without using them more than once you must
scale 2 and move that pattern up or down a unit distance in the case of y
direction. That covers a sphere just once (1 radius = 2 units diameter).
In many cases having the (gradient) sky showing only above a plane {y,0} for
example doesn't require you do such scaling and translating since you don't
see below the ground.
bob h
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