POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Repetition of an object : Repetition of an object Server Time
4 Nov 2024 17:46:46 EST (-0500)
  Repetition of an object  
From: Parasonic
Date: 9 Mar 2002 21:18:42
Message: <3c8ac282@news.povray.org>
I'm making a wall of boxes (yes, boxes). I have made a set that I could tile
(like bricks). What do I need to do to repeat this group of objects sevreal

Also, how does the sky sphere work? Someone told me how to get a two-color
sky sphere:

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    frequency 1
        color_map {
      [0 color rgb <0,0,0> ]
      [1 color rgb <0,0,2> ]
    scale 2
    translate y

Why is the scale 2? Why is the sphere *translated* on y (not rotated, etc)?

Thanks for your helpfulness!

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