POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Animation Question : Re: Animation Question Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:11:53 EST (-0500)
  Re: Animation Question  
From: bob h
Date: 31 Jan 2002 11:26:44
Message: <3c597044@news.povray.org>
Most important thing to remember is that when the keyword clock is used as a
variable in your scene it is just the number incrementing as set in INI as
Intitial_Clock=0 to Final_Clock=1 (or by default 0 to 1 if not set).
Cyclic_Animation=On will truncate that so the start and end is not repeated
and is only one frame for both.

Your airplane, if going in a circle for example, might be like:

        // do any reorienting here first, scales, rotates, translates
        // then do the following things
        translate 10*x // offset from center
        rotate clock*360*y // 360 degrees

And of course you need the nose/tail pointing -/+ z to begin with for this
example to work right.
I might as well point out now rather than later that getting all the
orientations done ahead of the final motion is paramount to things going the
way you expect; otherwise, if you try reorienting the wing tilt after the
circle rotation move you'll end up with a airplane going up and/or down
instead of a level orbit with tilting wings.

As Phil suggested that Clock Modifier really helps with non-uniform motion
too, just got to get the animation basics figured right.

bob h

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