"Les Patterson" <les### [at] txcybercom> wrote in message
news:3C5### [at] txcybercom...
> To John and TinCanMan,
> Thanks for the help guys. Now I just have to work out the positions for
> the different frames.
Hopefully you're not making it out to be more difficult than it really is,
or barring that not thinking more can be done from the INI file than can
actually be.
The most basic way of animating in POV-Ray is fairly straightforward once
you have a INI with the keywords for Final_Clock=Number and
Final_Frame=Number (frames are integer) in the file (or +kfNumber and
+kffNumber on command line). And of course a few other options possible
The rest is all about using the 'clock' keyword in your scene file as a
variable which is based on the number of frames (and Intitial_Clock,
Final_Clock values if different from defaults of 0 to 1). That way all you
do is imagine it is a changing number going from start to finish that you
can apply to other things within the scene. You won't get differing prefix
names, only a frame count. The prefix defaults to the scene file being
rendered, if you only specify a path otherwise it will take the filename you
give as Output_File_Name=. Like I am trying to clarify here, you cannot
change that during animation unless you change the INI file prior to each
successive render.
Maybe I'm oversimplifying and going off the track of your question, just
wanted to be sure.
bob h
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