Hello! (my first ever post to this newsgroup!)
I've been playing with povray since version 2.0, but I've never really
accomplished much (sphere on plane, 2 spheres on plane, ball and cylinder on
plane, etc...), mainly due to lack of time. However, I'd like to start
entering the IRTC, and so I think I need to start generating more detailed
scenes :-)
What I'd like to know is how people go about constructing a scene (more
detailed than 'sphere on plane'!)
I'm aware that people may prefer different things, but I'm really at a loss
as to how I should begin.
Do you list the objects required for your scene, and then work on
constructing each object seperately?
Do you use a modeller for individual objects in your scene?
Do you use a modeller for the whole scene composition?
(If you do use a modeller - which one?)
I know that a lot of people just hand-code everything - if you are one of
these people, how do you go about the whole scene-creation process.
Thanks in advance, any help gratefully received!
Rik A
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