POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Shadow faults : Re: Shadow faults Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:13:58 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Shadow faults  
From: bob h
Date: 27 Jan 2002 21:53:23
Message: <3c54bd23@news.povray.org>
If you want to see a sphere shrink out of site have a render of the
following, trying those numbers:

// beyond 0.00004, or so, the sphere begins shrinking
// 0.00001001 and the sphere is almost gone @320x240 res.
#declare sc=0.0099;

//union {
box{<-.5,0.8,-.5>,<.5,1.2,.5> pigment{rgb 1} scale sc}
box{<-.5,0,-.5>,<.5,.4,.5> pigment{rgb 1} scale sc}
box{<-.5,0,-20>,<20,-.2,20> pigment{rgb 1} scale sc}
sphere{<2.4,2,2>,1 pigment{rgb 1} scale sc}


light_source{<-200,150,100>*sc rgb 1 }


I wanted to see if objects still had troubles with very small scales like
they used to and things are much better now.  The sphere primitive used to
disappear at a scale of only 0.002 unit, I believe was the number.  Boxes
were likewise fragile yet lasted into much smaller scales, cones simply held
out forever it seemed.  It's good to see the scaling is much more sturdy
now.  Didn't know shadows were being lost or cast wrong at such relatively
normal scales.  That's something altogether different from actual object
surfaces being seen.

bob h

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