"Gleb" <gk1### [at] sotonacuk> wrote in message news:3c3f1f29$1@news.povray.org...
> This simplified code causes a stable crash (POV 3.5 b9 PIII-1000 512 Mb
> Win2000):
Crashes for me too (after 99% of render). 3.5 beta9.icl.win32 p3 733 W2K
Here's an oddity. The modified code below outputs this to #debug:
Here's the modified code
#declare n=1;
#declare i=-1;
#declare j=-1;
#declare tt=((-0.1)^(0.1));
#debug concat(str(tt,2,2),"\n")
//sphere{<0,0,0> 1 }
#declare j=j+1;
#declare i=i+1;
(no crash with sphere commented out).
Thinking about it, aren't you trying to find the root of a negative number here?
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