POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : So, who entered this round? : Re: So, who entered this round? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 14:21:44 EST (-0500)
  Re: So, who entered this round?  
From: Batronyx
Date: 2 Jan 2002 21:10:51
Message: <3c33bdab@news.povray.org>
"Ruy" <ruy### [at] hipernetcombr> wrote in message news:3c32f874@news.povray.org...
> I did. Sort of... Nothing fancy at all, but I thought it would be a good

> As for the poor previous round, I believe it was a combination of the theme
> with the terrorist attacks on the USA. A combination that took most of the
> interest people might have for warfare.
> Ruy

I have to agree. I sort of worked on an image, for that round, but my heart
wasn't in it.
light_source{0,1}#macro c(J,a)sphere{0,1pigment{rgb z}scale a translate J+O}
#end#macro B(R,V,O)c(0,4)intersection{c(V,R)difference{c(-z*4x+10)c(-z*4.1x+
10)c(0<7.5,45,5>)}}#end B(12,0z*25)B(8y*4<0,12,50>)          // Batronyx ^"^

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