Norbert Kern wrote:
> No, you do not have to change your wallpaper.
> But due to a lack of time my entry will be a fairly simple scene (and
> because I decided to code as much as possible by hand).
Come on, it's always a pleasure to see your works.
> And you? Do you have a third IRTC entry, which will be among the first six?
Well, I actually spent the first half of November trying to choose among a wide
variety of ideas. Once I got the right one, I couldn't start working on it due to a
hatred exam (economy). Having passed the exam, I started to actually work on the
project, but the time the study left to me was barely sufficient to make something
decent :( so I gave up in the middle of December.
I have to learn how to improve my productivity, which this year has been *really* low
(one? two finished works?).
> Norbert
camera{location-2*z look_at.0}#local j=text{ttf"arial""JRG".2,0};
#local J=0;#while(J<10)#local R=0;#while(R<2)#local G=0;#while(G<1)
#if(inside(j,R*x+G*y+.1*z))object{j scale.025translate(R-1)*x+(G-J
/20)*y-J/40*z pigment{rgb+x+J/10*y}finish{ambient 1}}#debug"O"#else#debug" "
#end#local G=G+.025;#end#local R=R+.05;#debug"\n"#end#local J=J+1;#end// JRG
Home: http://digilander.iol.it/jrgpov
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