POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : animation help : Re: animation help Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:44:38 EST (-0500)
  Re: animation help  
From: Ace
Date: 19 Dec 2001 09:05:43
Message: <3c209eb7@news.povray.org>
I found my problem! when you said translate to origin, I got it!

this was a file created by converting another type of model.
it declared the wheel when it was created, then used it in a union to make
the car,I was rotating it in the union, thus it rotated on the center of the
whole car! If I rotate it when its created it turns on its own axis!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

bob h <omn### [at] charternet> wrote in message
> Ahhh yes, I see you have them offset from the tires.  Should only be a
> of translating them to origin then rotating and translating back again, or
> easier still rotate first then place them.
> "Ace" <ble### [at] icefognet> wrote in message
> news:3c1fef12@news.povray.org...
> >
> > yes thats what I wanted, I think :-) just not sure how to use it...
> Since your car flies all that might be more than needed  ;-)
> > All I really need is how to make the wheel turn around its center
> of
> > the center of the car.... I want to declare the axel as the center of
> > wheel.I posted 2 example in the animation group.one without the wheels
> > turning, one with them turning. ignore the fact that the wheels are
> > ;-) sorry they run so fast.....
> Yep, very difficult to watch.
> Like I said, all you have to do is get the axles (axel is Middle English
> apparently) on the origin <0,0,0> before rotating, as long as that step is
> done and then they are translated to final position (unioned with car)
> things should work as expected.
> If you'd like to post that part of your animation script here it's easily
> fixable if you can't get it right yourself.  But that's probably all you
> need to know.  At least now you can also match the tires to the ground if
> you wanted to do so... flat ground anyhow.
> --
> text{ttf"timrom""bob h"0,0pigment{rgb 7}translate 7*z}

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