POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Context menu 'open' option doesn't : Re: Context menu 'open' option doesn't Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:17:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Context menu 'open' option doesn't  
From: bob h
Date: 18 Dec 2001 08:33:16
Message: <3c1f459c@news.povray.org>
"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trfde> wrote in message
> If either of you had actually read my message (and the part I quoted of
> original message) and paid any attention to the last sentence you would
> that I never said anything about *second* bug he reported other than that
> can't test it (because Macs don't have Windows installed by default ;-)
> I am talking about the *first* bug he reported, which is not a bug.

I see, sorry if I was ignoring that but I was trying to understand the lack
of external file paths for that feature.  I had thought I could open
anything from anywhere before if it had a Library_Path to it so that's why I
suspected something had changed too.

So it comes down to the fact that only certain paths to files specified by
the POV-Ray installation and which are "standard" can be accessed (file
restrictions used or not).  What I'm unsure of is which ones those are, I'd
guess the include subfolder is pretty obvious, Coridon seems to have checked
other places.  Easy enough to find out myself which others are accessible as
well, if they actually can be.

Still, it might be good to document which ones are used (only the include
and current folder?).  If they were not mentioned specifically due to
differing directory layouts of various system platforms I can understand
that being generalized.
text{ttf"arial","bob h",.1,0pigment{rgb 9}translate<-1,-.2,3>}

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