POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Mosaic. Is it noise, hf_gray_16, or file output causing this? : Mosaic. Is it noise, hf_gray_16, or file output causing this? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:19:56 EDT (-0400)
  Mosaic. Is it noise, hf_gray_16, or file output causing this?  
From: bob h
Date: 12 Dec 2001 18:41:05
Message: <3c17eb11@news.povray.org>
v3.5.beta.8.icl.win32, Pentium III, 512 MB, WinXp

I'm not good at judging which is at fault but it looks like noise (ie
noise_generator) isn't right.  And hf_gray_16 is still making for mosaic
appearances when used in isosurface function.

No one else seems to have reported this so I wonder if I'm the only one
seeing it or if the renders are expected to behave in this way.  That is to
say, should be mosaics perhaps caused by pixels and resolution.  Either way
the image output for hf_gray_16 still looks messed up or at least the noise
is to begin with.  There are plateau-like places and contour lines.

A pair of images were put into an example of what happens and will be posted
to p.b-t.b., along with the pov script I used.  Hopefully that will make my
message posting clearer.
text{ttf"arial","bob h",.1,0pigment{rgb 9}translate<-1,-.2,3>}

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