"Thorsten Froehlich" wrote
>It causes a lot of people to report holes and
>other bugs in isosurfaces because they simply forget
>about or (worse) don't understand max_gradient.
>Only a warning gets their attention.
Yes, they need a warning.
Thus, the default setting of my proposal is "evaluate on",
i.e. users will get a warning in default.
But for advanced users or people who just want to use POV
scene files written by advanced users, the "evaluate off"
option should be required.
The below code is an example. There are 20,000 isosurfaces.
It is easy to parse and the rendering speed is quite fast.
Please try it.
Using this technique, we can generate many interesting objects.
But the current behavior is quite inconvenient for these objects.
R. Suzuki
#include "functions.inc"
camera {location <20,40,28> direction 2.5*z look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source {<-140,200,300> rgb <1.0, 1.0, 0.95>*1.5}
light_source {<140,200,-300> rgb <0.9, 0.9, 1.00>*0.5 shadowless}
#declare r1 = seed(0);
#declare Tex_B =
texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.90, 0.70, 0.45>}
normal {dents 1.2 scale 0.01}
finish {phong 0.2 brilliance 0.25}
#declare Fun_Sphere = function {x*x - y*x +z*z}
#declare Crumb =
isosurface {
function {Fun_Sphere(x,y,z) + f_noise3d(x*2,y*2,z*2)*1}
threshold 1
max_gradient 3
accuracy 0.01
contained_by {box {-1,1}}
scale 0.5
#declare r1 = seed(0);
#declare I = 0;
#while (I < 1)
object {
rotate rand(r1)*360
scale 0.2+rand(r1)*0.3
#declare xx=(rand(r1)-0.5)*20;
translate <xx,cos(xx),(rand(r1)-0.5)*20>
texture {Tex_B}
object {
rotate rand(r1)*360
scale 0.1+rand(r1)*0.15
#declare zz=(rand(r1)-0.5)*20;
translate <(rand(r1)-0.5)*20,cos(zz),zz>
texture {Tex_B}
#declare I = I+0.0001;
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