In article <3c10241e.10059241@localhost> , PeterC@nym.alias.net.almost
> Hmmm. Any chance of talking the povteam into recompiling beta 7
> with a timeout change? This could be used whilst they fix the
> weirdness in beta 8.
The problems in beta 8 are fully predictable. They *only* involve
functions. In fact the same problems existed earlier but nobody would
notice because they did only happen with isosurfaces which would cause a
crash when printing max_gradient messages before. If you apply the
suggested workaround, or if you run only one scene and the restart POV-Ray
you can reliably work around the problem, which is sufficient to not go back
to the previous beta. Apart from that, it had other problems that have been
fixed in beta 8.
Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg
I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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