POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Output file : Re: Output file Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:19:14 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Output file  
From: bob h
Date: 4 Dec 2001 20:56:37
Message: <3c0d7ed5@news.povray.org>
"Bryan Valencia" <bry### [at] 209softwarecom> wrote in message
> I request that the output directory be made a menu option, including the
POVRAY.ini and PVEngine.ini files

Requests can't be made here in the beta group, sorry.

I don't understand what you said about including the povray and pvengine ini
Ability to create a directory for images could be added to the Tools menu
which could also append the necessary line into Povray.ini but it's not all
that complex a thing to just edit the Povray.ini instead.  It's a one-time
event, typically anyhow.
text{ttf"arial","bob h",.1,0pigment{rgb 9}translate<-1,-.2,3>}

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