"David Buck" <dav### [at] simberoncom> wrote in message
news:3C0### [at] simberoncom...
> Do you have damping on your springs? If not, they will explode out of
> control. The damping force is opposite in direction to the relative
> velocity of particles at the ends of the spring. If you still have
> problems, let me know.
The algorithm I am using is this one:
InitStrength(); // reset all force
vector to 0 at each node of the cloth
ApplyStrengthField(fClock,fStep); // Today it is only a constant
strength field: gravity F = M*g
ApplyStrength(fClock,fStep); // for each vertex, add new
forces for each "wires" of the cloth,
// = (wire
enlargement/initial wire length)*wire direction using
// elasticity
ApplyWind(fClock,fStep); // for each triangle,
calculate the dot product of triangle nomal by
// (triangle
speed + local wind(today 0)); then multiply by normal
// and add to
each vertex force using permeability ratio
TempVertex = new cVector[iNbVertex]; // create a new set of vertex to
evaluate next cloth position
ForcedMove(fClock,fStep); // nothing today, for next
evolution: points with fixed paths
FreeMove(fClock,fStep); // evaluate TempVertex[i] =
Vertex[i] + (Speed[i]*fViscosity
// +
Strength[i]*fStep/Weight[i])*fStep; were fStep is the time
// step
between 2 frames. I think that the damping you are
// speaking
about is the viscosity ratio - I am using numbers
// between 0.9
and 0.97
Check(pObjectNext); // check and modify all
point position, checking them with a list
// of objects
pointed by pObjectNext
UpdateSpeed(fStep); // calculate speed at each
point: (TempVertex-Vertex)/fStep
Copy(); // copy
TempVertex in Vertex
delete TempVertex;
NormalUpdate(); // calculate new normal
vectors at each vertex. This function is
// used only
for output in mesh2 format.
> David Buck
> Simberon Inc.
> www.simberon.com
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