POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Sub-Routines : Re: Sub-Routines Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:04:36 EST (-0500)
  Re: Sub-Routines  
From: Trevor Quayle
Date: 30 Nov 2001 07:54:43
Message: <3c078193$1@news.povray.org>
I like using macros for objects with variable parameters

Bonus example:
Bendable nail

#macro Nail (Dia,Len,Bend,BLen,Dirn)
      cylinder{<0,1,0> <0,0,0> 1.5*Dia}
      cylinder{<0,0,0> <0,-(Len-BLen-1.5*Dia*pi*Bend/360),0> Dia/2}
      torus{0.25 Dia/2 scale<1,0.2,1> translate <0,-2,0>}
      torus{0.25 Dia/2 scale<1,0.2,1> translate <0,-3,0>}
      torus{0.25 Dia/2 scale<1,0.2,1> translate <0,-4,0>}
      translate <-1.5*Dia,Len-BLen-1.5*Dia*pi*Bend/360,0>
      translate <1.5*Dia,BLen,0>
    #if (mod(Bend,360)>0)
        torus{1.5*Dia Dia/2 rotate<90,0,0>}
        plane{y 0}
        plane{-y 0 rotate<0,0,-Bend>}
        translate <1.5*Dia,BLen,0>
    cylinder{<0,3*Dia,0> <0,BLen,0> Dia/2}
      cylinder{<0,0,0> <0,3*Dia,0> Dia/2}
      plane{-z 0 rotate <12,  0,0>}
      plane{-z 0 rotate <10, 90,0>}
      plane{-z 0 rotate <12,180,0>}
      plane{-z 0 rotate <10,270,0>}
    rotate 90*<Dirn.z+Dirn.y-abs(Dirn.y),0,-Dirn.x>


"Martin Thoma" <mar### [at] radiok2rde> wrote in message
> Thanx, but how can I give soemthing like paramters to it? For example, I
have a
> complex object, which sometime has a part of it drawn and sometimes not.
Is it
> possible to make this in one define?!
> Martin

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